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How to Get Started for Organizations

Health care organizations as defined by National Practitioner Data Bank (NPDB) statute (referred to as "eligible entities") are required to report or query or both to the NPDB. The requirements vary depending on the type of organization and its ownership. A few examples of eligible entities include hospitals, health centers, health plans, state licensing and certification authorities, and medical malpractice payers.

Access to the NPDB for Organizations

Your access to the NPDB is defined by federal law. The NPDB registration process helps you determine requirements to report or query or both. The information provided in the registration process determines your eligibility to access NPDB's secure system.

Organizations Reported to the NPDB

Some organizations are not eligible to register with the NPDB, but may be the subject of a report in the NPDB. You can order a Self-Query to search for reports naming your organization as the subject. If you receive a report notification you may access and review the report online.