Figure F-2: Re-Elevation to Dispute Resolution:
The Review Decision: Is the Report Inaccurate as Submitted?

Figure F-2: Re-Elevation to Dispute Resolution:
The Review Decision: Is the Report Inaccurate as Submitted?
The subject of a report may submit a subject statement at any time.
Review Decision and Notification
- The report is inaccurate as submitted and the reporting entity is directed to correct or void the report.
- The reporting entity corrects or voids the report or the reporting entity does not correct or void the report and DPDB corrects or voids the report
- The reporting entity does not correct or void the report and DPDB corrects or voids the report
- The subject of the report and the reporting entity are notified
- When the report is corrected, the NPDB notifies all queriers who received previous versions of the report within the last 3 years and advises them that the corrected report replaces the previous report
- When the report is voided, the NPDB notifies all queriers who received previous versions of the report within the last 3 years and advises them to destroy the voided report and any copies of it
Subject Review
- The subject of the report reviews the report for accuracy
- The report is accurate
Request Re-Elevation to the Dispute Resolution
The subject of the corrected report requests that the report be re-elevated to dispute resolution. (The report is re-elevated to dispute resolution without meeting any additional requirements.)
Dispute Resolution
The dispute case is elevated to dispute resolution; or the dispute case is reviewed (additional information is requested, if necessary.)
Review Decision
A decision is made (see Figure F-2.)