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Overview Submitting Reports to the NPDB Reporting Medical Malpractice Payments Reporting Adverse Clinical Privileges Actions Reporting Adverse Professional Society Membership Actions Reporting State Licensure and Certification Actions Reporting Federal Licensure and Certification Actions Reporting Peer Review Organization Negative Actions or Findings Reporting Private Accreditation Organization Negative Actions or Findings Reporting Exclusions from Participation in Federal or State Health Care Programs Reporting Federal or State Health Care-Related Criminal Convictions Reporting Health Care-Related Civil Judgments Reporting Other Adjudicated Actions or Decisions

NPDB Identification Numbers

Each entity that registers with the NPDB is assigned a unique DBID. A DBID is a number that is randomly generated by the NPDB and is used to uniquely identify registered entities and authorized agents. The assignment of a DBID is not a validation by HHS that an entity meets the eligibility criteria for participation in the NPDB. As stated previously, each entity is responsible for determining whether it meets the eligibility criteria and for certifying its eligibility to the NPDB.

DBIDs are assigned to entities when they register with the NPDB, as well as to authorized agents that act on behalf of registered entities. DBIDs are not assigned to certifying officials, authorized users, or other individuals associated with a reporting or querying entity. However, entities may create multiple user accounts (user IDs) for a given DBID.

In addition, certain eligible entities may choose to register two or more departments separately under different DBIDs. For example, some hospitals and health care entities choose to register their human resources departments separately from their medical staff services departments. The advantage of registering departments separately is that each department will have its own DBID and queries will be charged to the separate accounts. The advantage to a single registration is that all eligible queriers will have online access to all query results.

Entities should safeguard their DBIDs to prevent inadvertent disclosures. The DBID is revealed only to the entity or agent to which it is assigned. In the event that an entity's DBID is compromised, the DBID should be deactivated.

Deactivating a DBID

An eligible entity may request, at any time, that its current DBID be deactivated by notifying the NPDB in writing. An eligible entity may choose to deactivate a DBID because, for example, the entity's DBID may have been compromised in some way, or the entity has merged with another entity. (Note: An entity's DBID cannot be reactivated. The entity must reregister with the NPDB to obtain a new DBID.)

Additionally, if at any time an entity loses or relinquishes eligibility to participate in the NPDB, the entity's certifying official must immediately notify the NPDB in writing to deactivate the entity's DBID.

Entities that need to deactivate their DBID should contact the NPDB Customer Service Center for further instructions.


If an entity misplaces or cannot remember its DBID, contact the NPDB Customer Service Center for assistance.

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